Sunday, 11 September 2016

Cara memohon visa pelajar (Sarjana Muda/Degree) kategori Tier 4 (General) ke United Kingdom

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Sekian lama saya tidak menulis kerana kesibukan menguruskan hal-hal rasmi ke UK, termasuk visa, universiti dan penginapan. Penulisan kali ini hanyalah untuk berkongsi pengalaman menguruskan visa ke United Kingdom.

Urusan visa sememangnya nampak rumit kerana borang yang panjang dan details yang perlu diisi tanpa meninggalkan kesalahan dan kesilapan yang boleh menyebabkan visa anda ditolak oleh UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).

(Disclaimer: Maklumat yang akan saya beri di bawah ialah tepat pada 08 Zulhijjah 1437 atau 10/09/2016. Sila rujuk pihak UKVI untuk maklumat terkini)

Jadi tips untuk memohon visa, secara mudahnya:

  1. Take your time. Ambil masa untuk membuat permohonan, kerana anda boleh mula membuat permohonan visa sekurang-kurangnya 3 bulan sebelum berangkat ke UK.

  2. Complete documents. Pastikan dokumen lengkap sebelum serahan dokumen tersebut di VFS Global iaitu di Wisma MCA, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur (atau Temporary Enrolment Location di Regus Virtual Offices, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah dan Cycon Plus Synergy Offices, Kuching, Sarawak - bermula akhir Julai hingga awal September). Butiran dokumen akan saya ceritakan di bahagian seterusnya.

  3. Check, check, check, review and submit. Semak betul-betul butiran yang ada pada permohonan tersebut. Elakkan kesalahan besar dalam borang tersebut. 

    Sekali lagi, kesalahan besar dalam borang dan dokumen boleh menyebabkan visa anda ditolak oleh UKVI.

    Untuk semakan ini anda boleh gunakan ejen seperti MABECS (seperti yang dimaklumkan kepada saya oleh pelajar-pelajar pinjaman MARA)

  4. Be punctual. Untuk penyerahan dokumen di VFS Global dan kutipan dokumen, pastikan anda datang awal (selewat-lewatnya 20 minit sebelum waktu appointment) untuk mengelakkan sebarang kelewatan. Lebih-lebih lagi mereka yang tinggal jauh dan perlu pulang ke kampung halaman pada hari yang sama.

  5. Berdoa dan bertawakal kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah itu sangatlah dekat dengan kita, Dia mengkabulkan doa kita apabila kita berdoa kepada-Nya. Nah, bukankah itu juga tanda kerendahan hati kita sebagai hamba Allah kan?
Cara Permohonan

  1. Lepas uolls dapat offer dari Universiti, terus roger diorang untuk dapatkan document yang dinamakan Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies atau dalam bahasa mudahnya CAS. Dalam CAS korang kena ada maklumat-maklumat ni:

    • No. kod CAS
    • Nama, warganegara, no. pasport, tarikh lahir
    • No. kod sponsor (Universiti)
    • Alamat sponsor (universiti)
    • Tajuk kursus
    • Kod academic level
    • Tarikh mula dan tarikh akhir
    • Kelayakan bahasa Inggeris
    • Maklumat kewangan
    • Dokumen sokongan yang perlu dibawa dan diserahkan dengan permohonan visa

  2. Buat ujian TB di mana-mana hospital yang disenaraikan oleh Kerajaan UKContact hospital tersebut untuk appointment dan bawa bersama-sama anda dokumen berikut dan buat claim daripada sponsor untuk pembayaran:

    • Pasport sekarang (asal & dua salinan)
    • Gambar berukuran pasport (1 keping)
    • Alamat Universiti
    • Bayaran sekitar RM200-RM300

  3. Buat permohonan visa di Borang ini perlu diisi secara online. Boleh baca mana-mana panduan yang boleh dipercayai kalau tak faham, atau terus contact UKVI atau ejen-ejen pendidikan seperti MABECS atau British Council. Contohnya dari website London School of Economics, panduan mengisi borang visa agak detail (klik sini). 

    Borang ni kalau tersalah isi (dan saya sendiri dah email UKVI untuk hal ni): 

    Kalau kesalahannya kecil (contoh: tersalah satu digit untuk nombor rumah), cross out, tulis maklumat betul dengan pen dan tandatangan di sebelah correction tu.

    Kalau kesalahannya besar (contoh: soalan berkaitan visa refusal), perlu batalkan appointment, set tarikh baru dan mohon refund untuk permohonan yang sebelum ni. Kena isi form baru & bayar balik. Jadi cuba elakkan daripada buat silap. Check banyak kali dan jangan kelam-kabut.

  4. Set tarikh appointment visa untuk serahan dokumen (paling awal 2 hari bekerja selepas permohonan) dan masa (08:00 sampai 14:00). Saya nasihatkan buat pada waktu pagi, sebab orang akan makin ramai pada waktu tengah hari,

  5. Pembayaran visa dan Immigration Health Services (IHS). Isunya dalam pembayaran ni sangatlah bergantung kepada exchange rate kerana kita membayar dalam dollar US. Jadi jika nilai duit kita jatuh, maka semakin banyak yang perlu dibayar. Dan pembayaran ni hanya boleh guna kad kredit atau debit yang ada logo Visa/Mastercard. Jadi, sediakan wang sekitar RM6000 dahulu (boleh claim semula dengan sponsor lepas settle).

  6. Cetak borang tersebut dan tandatangan.

  7. Priority Visa. Ini untuk mempercepat proses permohonan visa daripada 10-15 hari bekerja kepada 3-5 hari bekerja. Perlu bayar RM840, boleh dibuat secara tunai di kaunter atau gunakan kad debit/kredit di laman VFS Global. Beri peluang kepada mereka yang perlu cepat untuk gunakan servis ni. Kalau tak rushing, lebih baik gunakan perkhidmatan biasa.

  8. Pos dokumen ke rumah. Dengan tambahan bayaran RM40, tak perlu nak pergi semula ke Wisma MCA untuk ambil dokumen. Just lepak kat rumah dan tunggu dokumen sampai. Biarkan 1 hari +/- untuk memastikan dokumen sampai di rumah pada masanya.
Dokumen yang perlu dibawa semasa appointment
  1. Application form (print, bertarikh dan ada tandatangan).
  2. Surat pengesahan appointment (print).
  3. Passport sekarang dan semua pasport lama yang digunakan tidak lebih 10 tahun lepas. (asal & salinan)
  4. Sijil Ujian TB (asal & salinan)
  5. Financial affidavit (pelajar sponsor)
  6. Penyata bank anda atau parents. Kalau guna penyata bank parents, bawa sekali sijil lahir anda. (pelajar private/self-sponsored)
  7. Dokumen akademik yang dinyatakan dalam CAS (contohnya keputusan A-Level/IB)
  8. Sijil Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) - bagi kursus-kursus tertentu
  9. Dokumen sokongan (salinan - bak kata abang VFS tu, letak je semua copy document yang ada):
    • Surat CAS (tak perlu pun sebab UKVI dah ada data tu yang ada juga dalam application form)
    • Sijil akademik tambahan (A-Level/IB/STPM dan lain-lain)
    • Sijil ujian IELTS
    • Sijil SPM

  10. Gambar berukuran Visa UK (selalunya tak diminta sebab masa buat biometric di VFS nanti dia akan ambil gambar)
Semua dokumen yang bukan dalam bahasa Inggeris (termasuk sijil lahir dan penyata bank) perlu diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggeris. Untuk Sijil SPM boleh dibuat di Lembaga Peperiksaan. Untuk sijil-sijil lain boleh dibuat di Mahkamah terdekat atau ITBM dengan sedikit bayaran. 

Pastikan terjemahan tersebut ada maklumat penterjemah (nama, no. telefon dll) kecuali sijil SPM/STPM jika diterjemah di Lembaga Peperiksaan/Majlis Peperiksaan. Jika di tempat lain maka maklumat penterjemah diperlukan.

Hari appointment:
  1. Pastikan dokumen cukup lengkap.
  2. Sediakan wang jika belum membayar untuk Priority Visa.
  3. Sampai di tempat tersebut sekitar 20-30 minit sebelum masa yang ditetapkan.
  4. Apabila sampai, check nama anda di kaunter pintu masuk tempat tersebut. Anda akan diberi no. giliran
  5. Serahkan segala barang anda termasuk handphone (kecuali file yang ada dokumen & beg duit) kepada pengawal yang akan masukkan dalam almari berkunci yang disediakan.
  6. Masuk ke dalam tempat tersebut dan tunggu giliran. Masa ni akan ada orang VFS Global yang akan check dokumen dan kalau nak ambil servis Priority Visa, boleh buat di sini.
  7. No. giliran anda akan dipanggil dua kali.
  8. Panggilan pertama, pergi ke kaunter yang ditetapkan dan serahkan semua dokumen serta pembayaran (jika ada). 
  9. Anda akan diberi resit yang perlu disimpan dan dibawa untuk ambil dokumen nanti.
  10. Panggilan kedua, pergi ke bilik yang ditetapkan dan buat biometric enrollment (gambar anda & cap jari akan diambil) untuk data Imigresen.
  11. Ambil barang-barang anda dan urusan selesai.
Hari collect dokumen:
  1. Anda akan dapat email "The processed visa application for GWF reference number -  GWFxxxxxxxxx was received at the UK Visa Application Centre at dd/mm/yyyy...". Tapi result visa takkan ada dalam email tu. Kena tunggu dapat pasport baru tahu.
  2. Dan selalunya yang request guna pos akan dapat semua dokumen tu pada petang yang sama lepas dapat email tu. (Untuk collection menggunakan pos, terus ke no. 8)
  3. Untuk yang ambil dokumen di Wisma MCA, tolong sampai awal di tempat yang ditetapkan. 
  4. Bawa resit yang korang dapat masa hantar dokumen. (Jangan hilangkan resit tu)
  5. Waktu kutipan dokumen ialah pada jam 15:00 hingga 17:00 di VFS Global (rakan saya di KY sampai di sana pada jam 13:20 pada hari Jumaat dan dia mendapat no. giliran pertama. 
    Saya sampai dalam jam 2:30 petang, giliran saya ialah yang ke-88)
  6. Kutipan dokumen akan berjalan lebih laju berbanding serahan kerana anda hanya perlu ambil sampul yang ada semua dokumen anda dalam tu.
  7. Anda akan diberi sampul yang ada semua dokumen asal dalam tu. Semua salinan diambil oleh pihak UKVI.
  8. Di sini baru anda akan tahu result visa, sama ada lulus atau terkandas (refused).

11/08/2016 - Keputusan A-Level

18/08/2016 - Dapat tawaran ke City, University of London. Terus mulakan application

24/08/2016 - Terima detail CAS dari Universiti

26/08/2016 - Submit borang dan buat pembayaran visa (sekitar RM4700 pada hari tersebut)

01/09/2016 - Appointment di Wisma MCA jam 10:10 pagi

06/09/2016 - Dapat email untuk ambil pasport dan visa (agak pantas; 3 hari bekerja dengan priority)

09/09/2016 - Ambil dokumen di Wisma MCA. VISA DILULUSKAN alhamdulillaah!

Semoga kalian pun diluluskan visa UK dengan jayanya.

09 Zulhijjah 1437 (11/09/2016)
Shah Alam, 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Ujian TB (TB Test) - Student Visa, UK

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Melihat kepada kekurangan bahan bacaan di media blog untuk menceritakan cara-cara membuat Ujian TB bagi visa ke United Kingdom, maka saya tertarik untuk menceritakan sedikit sebanyak langkah-langkah yang perlu dilaksanakan pada ujian tersebut.

Untuk makluman, pihak UK hanya menerima keputusan ujian tersebut daripada lima buah hospital sahaja di Malaysia: tiga di Semenanjung, satu di Sabah dan satu di Sarawak (sumber di sini)

  1. Life Care Diagnostic Medical Centre, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur
  2. Gleneagles Hospital, Kuala Lumpur
  3. Penang Adventist Hospital, Penang
  4. KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
  5. Normah Medical Specialist Centre, Kuching, Sarawak
Memandangkan saya tinggal di Kulim, Kedah maka ujian ini telah saya laksanakan pada petang semalam (Isnin 15/8) di Penang Adventist Hospital.

Langkah-langkah ujian TB (berdasarkan pengalaman di Penang Adventist Hospital):
  1. Buat satu panggilan telefon ke hospital pilihan anda untuk tetapkan tarikh, dan untuk waktu puncak (contohnya Ogos), perlu telefon 2-3 minggu sebelum tarikh pilihan anda. 

    Saya sendiri telah menelefon pihak Penang Adventist Hospital pada 27/7 yang lalu dan tarikh janji temu yang terawal ialah pada 9/8, dua minggu selepas tarikh tersebut. Maka saya sarankan agar RANCANG (plan) awal untuk urusan ini.

    Di hospital tersebut appointment dibuka pada hari Isnin-Khamis dengan dua sesi; pagi (9.00am) dan petang (2.00pm)

  2. Pada hari yang ditetapkan, bawa bersama dengan anda:

    * Pasport (asal dan 2 keping salinan)
    * Gambar berukuran pasport (1 keping - background putih atau biru)
    * Alamat tempat tinggal (atau Universiti - kalau accommodation belum selesai).
    * Wang dalam lingkungan RM200 - RM300 (di Penang Adventist RM235.60) untuk pembayaran.
  3. Isi borang-borang yang ditetapkan dan tunggu giliran (jika ada).

    Tunggu giliran nombor lapan,
    Perasaan dendam jangan disimpan :)
  4. Tekanan darah, berat badan, tinggi akan diperiksa. Jika terdapat sebarang masalah maka doktor akan memberi sedikit nasihat kepada anda (cth. jaga pemakanan, kecergasan, fitness) sebelum anda meneruskan ujian X-ray.

  5. Ujian X-ray di bilik yang ditetapkan.

  6. Buat pembayaran di kaunter pembayaran. Pada waktu yang ditetapkan, ambil keputusan ujian anda.

    Dua resit ni sebab ada miscommunication.Jadi sepatutnya bayar selepas ujian X-ray.

    Kalau di Penang Adventist, results ujian sesi pagi akan keluar pada waktu petang (2.30pm), manakala untuk ujian sesi petang pula akan keluar pada hari bekerja seterusnya pada jam 11.30am, insya-Allah

    Berjaya! الحمد لله

  7. Tambahan: Buat claim daripada sponsor jika anda pelajar tajaan & kos tersebut boleh ditanggung oleh sponsor
Terima kasih kerana membaca!

Ditulis pada:
13 Zulkaedah 1437 bersamaan 16/08/2016
Kulim, Kedah

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Tips To Survive Outward Bound Programme

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

For an account of my experience during Outward Bound Malaysia programme on 01-10/08/2016, you may read here.

So here are several tips based on my experiences during the programme. It can be categorized into three categories: before programme, during and after.

  • Get yourself ready by doing cardiovascular exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging and swimming. If you have left exercising since a long time, give a good start, at least 6 weeks before the camp to keep your body fit.
  • Visit your G.P. (doctor) and do a medical checkup (compulsory before any OBM programme, <30 days before camp)
  • Pack your items according to the list given.
  • Outdoor shoes is crucial for trekking activities, especially when your normal sport shoes is about to wear. Futsal or indoor shoes is not recommended except for sporting activities. Or you may look for hiking shoes instead.
  • Look out for water shoes. In Malaysia, it is available at and Decathlon as they offer affordable prices. For higher quality shoes, however, you may have a look at stores selling diving accessories. "Kasut getah" is also a good alternative.
Water shoes. Source:
  • Learn rulings of fiqh that you may be unaware before this, yet may be applicable in certain situations in the programme. For example:
    • Wiping over the socks/boots (khuff) and over bandages and splints - article here
    • Praying with shoes on - additional reading here
    • Tayammum (due to absence of water or inability to use it)
  • For Muslims: Never skip your salaah wherever you are, be it at the base camp, in the midst of jungle or by the seaside!
  • Get enough rest, especially during recovery period between expeditions.
  • Stay hydrated! Drink lots of water. Water dispensers are available in the base camp.
  • During gaps between expeditions, wash your soiled clothes.
  • Safety first.
  • Should you face a problem, consult your instructor, especially concerning your health.
  • Stay hygienic.
  • Apply insect repellent (or sunblock) if necessary.
  • Consult your G.P, if you have not recovered from minor health issues such as fever, runny nose& skin itchiness.
  • Keep yourself fit wherever you are.
  • Soak and wash all used clothes and shoes with detergent.
Feel free to drop any comments if you have any extra points to be shared with the readers. Thank you!

Written on:
Sunday, 11 Dhul Qa'dah 1437 
corresponding to 14/08/2016
Kulim, Kedah

Outward Bound® School, Malaysia - PNB Scholars 1/2016

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

In this post I would share my experiences during 10-day Outward Bound programme in Lumut. So enjoy reading and feel free to leave any comments below!

Day 1 (27 Shawwal 1437 – 01/08/2016)

It is the first day of August. The day when Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) receives its new chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar. On that same day, we gathered at Menara PNB at 0900 hours, only to know that the bus that is supposed to transport us from Kuala Lumpur to Lumut, is faulty. We had to wait for a replacement bus to arrive. Then, at 1010 hours we departed from Menara PNB to Outward Bound® Malaysia, Lumut, Perak for the 10-day programme and the journey took us approximately four hours. Some of us reached there earlier as they departed from northern region which is closer to Lumut. As we arrived at Outward Bound School (after this is referred to as “Base Camp”), we were warmly welcomed by the crew.

The course director was Mr Najib and he was supported by three exceptional instructors: Mr Bazlishah “Bad” (pronounced as bud), Mr Shukri and Ms Aishah. We had our lunch, performed salaah and had a tour around the base camp.

Before that, we were divided into two “watches” (i.e. groups), namely Brinchang and Chabang, with Mr Shukri and Mr Bad as respective watch instructors. I was placed in Chabang watch with other 10 friends. For your information, names of watches here are taken from the names of Malaysian mountains, which I assume it is to inspire us to aim high just like those high mountains that acts as pegs to the earth.

We were also required to hand in our mobile phones, wallets, ID cards, cables and snacks to the instructor which shall be returned to us on the final day of the programme, and that is for us to “back to basics”. If our great grandparents can survive without those gadgets and technologies, then why can’t us, right?

At 1830 hours, we had our dinner before the first briefing later in the evening on programme’s expectation. One of the questions posed to each member in my watch was to choose an animal that reflects our personality. I confidently answered “cheetah” as I identify myself as an observer, a tactical person and quick in taking actions, just like the cheetah. We were also given tutorials on how to pitch up tents for group camping and solo camping.

We had our supper before we went to sleep, taking a good rest before the first expedition which is scheduled on the following day.

Day 2 (28 Shawwal 1437 – 02/08/2016)

After cleansing ourselves and Fajr prayer, we gathered in front of the Gym Hall (Malay: Dewan Tan Sri Hutson) at 0630 to sing the national anthem and raise the flag. Until day 5, the Singapore Airlines team were also present so the Singaporean flag were raised and its national anthem were sung as well.

As a warm-up to further activities we performed our morning exercise before breakfast. At 0830 we had our team dynamic exercise; one of them is to land tennis balls on the flipped side of the tent sheet. Both teams managed to land maximum three tennis balls on their tent sheets.

The programme continues with kayak lesson. Some of us were first-timers, yet they acquire the skills required in a short period of time. This lesson is for our preparation for the First Expedition later in the afternoon, where it shall be detailed below. But before the expedition begins, we listened to the briefing by the instructors and packed our personal items and equipment for the watch. Some of the equipment that we have to bring to the expedition are:
  •         Jerrycan & gallon bottles
  •         Tent sheets & rope
  •         Dome tents
  •         Cooking & eating utensils

The destination of this expedition is Teluk Sekadeh, or Teluk Segadas, south of Pangkor Island. We then had our lunch and prayers, loaded the items into the mother boat, leaving with us a gallon bottle for each kayak. At 1530, we departed to Teluk Sekadeh which is approximately 5 kilometres away. Previous expeditions have shown that it took about 2-3 hours on average to reach there, however we took only 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach the destination. During kayaking we formed a “diamond” formation which is one of universally accepted formations of kayaking as a group.

Diagram 1: Diamond formation. Source:

Kayak Expedition Route

After arrival, we set up our campsite. The guys pitched up tents and set up campfires while the girls were assigned to cooking & cleaning tasks. Few facilities are available here, with decent toilets, bath area and a simple prayer-place (musholla).

Anyway, I was appointed as the muezzin for the four expeditions, so if the call of prayer from nearest mosque cannot be heard then I shall make the adhan (for additional reading, click here). I believe that this noble sign from the signs of al-Islam should be revived to the best of our ability, wherever we are.

After Maghrib prayer, we had dinner and a debriefing session. Then, everyone was assigned to night shifts, to ensure that the campsite is safe. They were divided into six blocks of one hour each, from 0000 hours to 0600 hours.

Day 3 (29 Shawwal 1437 – 03/08/2016)

Woke up at 0300 for my shift, but apparently I fell asleep for the last 30 minutes until 0400 before I woke up my friends for the next shift. Then I slept back until Fajr.

After Fajr we packed our items and loaded those on the mother boat. We returned to the base camp at 0745 and apparently it took us 1 hour 15 minutes, shorter than before, considering the fact that Lumut is very busy in the morning, with lots of ships pass through its seaport. During this return journey however, sea waves were higher than usual. Some of us were scared at that time. I can recall how many times I uttered the Shahaadah during kayaking until Allah saved all of us from those waves and we arrived safely at our base camp.

Then, we returned the equipment to the store and we returned to our accommodations for recovery.
At 1445, a lesson on reading map and compass was conducted. New benefits we learn include how to read:
  •         Bearing Orienteering
  •         Grid Reference
  •         Latitude and Longitude
  •         Map Scales
To prepare us for tomorrow’s expedition, we went for jungle orienteering according to watches. The Chabang watch trekked through Adam Bluff route while we were given a map & a compass as a guide. We were required to jot down the letters shown on the tags at the checkpoints and derive a word from those letters. Now, what is the word? The best way to reveal it is to experience it yourself!
Later in the evening, we were briefed on items to be brought during the expedition. For jungle trekking, we had to use the trails in Teluk Muroh Forest Reserve by using a map and compass to aid us until we reach the destination at Teluk Batik.

Day 4 (01 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 – 04/08/2016)

Approximate trekking route for Chabang watch
(Not really sure on the accuracy)

After color parade and breakfast, at 0900 we arranged ourselves in a line according to our roles and walked out of the base camp. We walked for one hour on the roadside until we reached at a Telekom Malaysia receiver tower for a short break before hiking into Teluk Muroh jungle.

Trekking formation

Along the way, we stopped many times as the route was very challenging to most of us, the first-timers, and not to mention, wild mosquitoes that are keen to bite our skin! For us to reach the third checkpoint from the previous checkpoint, it took us 1 hour and 40 minutes with short breaks in between. At 1304, we stopped at Peak 300 for lunch & prayers. Here, some of the established Sunnah can be applied:

  •     Wiping on the socks or boots (khuffs)
  •     Praying while wearing shoes - notes by Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen here

The journey continues after a 70-minute break until we reached Vale Eco Park’s entrance at 1625 hours. For this second part of journey, it brought more challenge to us, since we had to descend from the peak and followed by hiking up to another peak again for 3-4 times. Finally, we reached the campsite at Teluk Batik at 1650 hours, while the Brinchang watch arrived at 1815 hours. Pitching up tents, setting up campfires, debriefings and night duties were done without any problem.

This time, I was again tested. Due to some water allergy problems, itchiness spread thoughout my body. I applied calamine lotion on my body before taking an anti-histamine (Antamin). Two days later, I recovered, praise be to Allah.

Day 5 (02 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 – 05/08/2016)

I was excused from the night duty due to the medication I took earlier which caused drowsiness. I woke up at Fajr time, then we dismantled our tents, packed our stuffs and departed from Teluk Batik at 0740 hours. The walk took us only 15 minutes, using the main road that connects base camp to the campsite. We were then briefed for the next expedition, the Solo Camping.

This expedition has posed a different challenge since we had to survive on our own rather than relying totally on our friends. We were given several items for this expedition, including mess tin, food ration and gallon bottle and every person was given the same quantity of items. This is to ensure that no one has greater advantage compared to others. Hence, evaluation is done based on three main components of Solo Camping:

  •      Pitching up tent
  •      Cooking
  •      Rest
After the briefing, we restored the equipments from the previous expedition and packed items for this third expedition.

In the noon, the guys were brought by the school van to Masjid Teluk Muroh to attend Jumu’ah. At 1500 there was a Hot Seat session where we had to evaluate our friends in terms of their strengths, weaknesses and special characteristics which is to be given to them for reflection session during solo camping in the midst of the jungle. Every person is required to write a letter for himself/herself during this reflection session which will be handed in to our instructors and will be posted at a later date, inshaa-Allaah.

Solo Camping sites (approximate)

At 1630 hours, we departed to the campsites just at the back of our base camp. We were assigned to various sites by our instructors. As I arrived at my site, which is site #3, I cleared the area from leaves, pitched up tents and prayed Asr in the woods. Then I set up the campfire and prepared my dinner using the mess tin to cook instant noodles and sardines.

At 2000 I started reading my friends letters and began to write a letter to myself. Then, the fire extinguished. My instructor asked me to set up it again. I tried for about 40 minutes, yet it did not work out until he returned to my campsite and assisted me until the campfire is back, praise be to Allaah. Well, what matters is our effort right? So put your effort till the last drop of ink!

Day 6 (03 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 – 06/08/2016)

I was barely able to sleep from 2230 to 0230 hours due to mosquitoes. Only at 0230 I applied lots of insect repellent and I finally slept until 0635 and prayed Fajr straightaway. I packed items and started to complete my letter, only to learn that my colleagues had descended from the higher parts of the hill. We were then reunited by the roadside close to the hill before we returned to our base camp and restored the equipment. Debriefing of the expedition was done until 1000 hours.

In the afternoon, the program continued with knotting lessons and sea rafting as a preparation for whaler expedition for Days 8 and 9.

We learned several knots during the session:

  •         Thumb and double thumb
  •         Half hitch and double half hitch (Malay: setengah belit / lilit dua simpul)
  •         Reef knot / square knot (Malay: simpulan buku sila)
  •         Clove hitch (Malay: simpulan manuk)
  •         Sheet bend (Malay: simpul bunga geti)
  •         Bowline (Malay: simpulan tindih kasih)
  •         Anchor/Fisherman’s bend (Malay: Simpul sauh)
  •         Square lashing (Malay: ikatan seraya)
  •         Timber hitch (Malay: ikatan balak)
Then, for the rafting session, we were given 20 ropes, eight PVC pipes, eight paddles and five plastic drums. The design of the raft is totally based on watch’s creativity. IMO, rafting does not really pose much problem. What matters most here is teamwork, trust and understanding each other. Each and every one of us played his own role, however he has to have at least a general picture of other people’s roles, so that he may assist them in case of emergency.

In the evening, we were introduced to the School Song as preparation for the BBQ Night which shall take place on Day 9.

Day 7 (04 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 – 07/08/2016)

After Color Parade, morning exercise and breakfast, we gathered at the Boat House and pulled two of the whaler boats to the sea.

Outward Bound® Malaysia's whaler boat.

We were taught the components of a whaler boat including the three sails, oars and other small components until noon.

In the afternoon, there was a sailing practice. Praise be to Allaah, there was a goose wind in our route. The practice went smoothly and we did not have to exert much energy to row the boat to and fro. A rescue training was also ran by the instructors and involved all participants.

Before the expedition begins on Day 8, we were briefed on the movement from base camp to the campsite at Pantai Syawal, situated in proximity to Swiss Garden Lumut. We looked forward for the expedition as that is the final expedition for us.

Day 8 (05 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 – 08/08/2016)

Route to Pantai Syawal (Green - departure; Purplish pink - return)
We loaded the equipment after breakfast and then departed at 0900. At first, we headed to the mother boat to transfer some of the items and equipment. Rowing continues until 1100 when there was a goose wind, so we stopped rowing and started rigging the whaler boat (i.e. raising the sail) and we sailed for about 50 minutes before continuing our rowing round Pangkor Island until we reached Pantai Syawal at 1425 after 5 hours of rowing and sailing, covering a distance of 25 kilometres.
The campsite is very basic, with a well as a primary source there. Yet, we brought several jerrycans and gallon bottles filled with water, just like previous expeditions, for drinking, cooking, ablution and other purposes. Another challenge here is we had to dig into the soil for toilets! We brought a hoe and a rake for that purpose. Well, experience is the best teacher right?
The campsite is then divided into two main sections; public area and private area. The public area is used for cooking, eating and prayer area, while private area, as the name goes, is used for participants’ tents.
After unloading items, we had our lunch and prayed Zuhr. As the time of Asr was approaching, we decided to take a break until the time of Asr came and we prayed Asr before setting up tents, preparing dinner and cleansing ourselves. At 2110 hours we gathered for debriefing according to watch before we went to sleep while some of us remained awake for night duties.

Day 9 (06 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 – 09/08/2016)

0300 hours. Ikram tried to wake me up for duty, yet I was in subconscious state until 0330. Then I decided to walk around while reciting verses from the Quran to fill my night with. I returned to sleep at 0430 before waking up at 0530. Before I returned to sleep, I saw my friend Rushdan was performing his Qiyam ul-Layl while on his night duty. May Allah preserve him upon goodness.

Anyway, I woke up and while waiting for Fajr, I did stargazing and performed Witr as a part of the Prophet’s Sunnah, may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace. As I saw the horizontal light of Fajr (around 0600 to 0605) I called out the Adhan and all of us performed the salaah thereafter.

At 0645 we packed our items and equipment while some of us helped to dismantle the tents and clean the campsite, as a saying goes concerning this, “leave no trace”. At 0755, we departed from Pantai Syawal to return to our base camp. The journey took us about two hours, with a distance of 8 kilometres approx. with literally no wind, so we had to row all the way there. As a result, my exposed skin has got burned due to intense heat on both days. For both departure and return journey, we passed through Malaysian Navy ships (may Allah grant victory to them) and the distance covered for the return journey was 8 kilometres in two hours.

Since this was our final expedition, we had to clean all used equipment as other teams will be using those after our programme ends. Then we had a good rest, looking forward to return home on Day 10. Later in the afternoon, we had our final discussion with our instructors as change in our attitude is highly anticipated. We were given a feedback form for us to voice out any suggestion for future programmes at Outward Bound® Malaysia.
At 1650, we were given a briefing on the BBQ Night which will take place on the night itself. We were given several tasks; some were assigned for decoration while others were assigned for other jobs such as chair arrangements.
At 2000, we gathered at the Gym Hall for our Dinner. The food was superb, thanks to the Dining Hall and others involved. Group performances were performed and school songs were sung in the event. One of the participants (Shasha) gave out her speech, representing us. After clearing up the hall, we went to our dormitories at 2240 hours to spend the remaining parts of the last night here. Some of us even went to the seaside up until 2330 to enjoy the view, albeit it was dark.

Day 10 (07 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 – 10/08/2016) – WE SURVIVED OUTWARD BOUND!

0730 hours. We reported to our instructors, returned the keys and had our breakfast, then our personal items that were collected on the first day were returned. The closing ceremony was held at 0845 hours with speech from the Executive Director. After the ceremony ends, the souvenir shops were opened for us to buy official Outward Bound® Malaysia’s official merchandises.The vast majority of us left the base camp to Menara PNB at 1000 by a chartered bus, while the remaining returned home either by their parents or by using express buses operating from Lumut. Thank you Outward Bound® Malaysia crew for every single help and assistance during the camp!
In the next blog post I will share some tips that you will need to know to survive this Outward Bound programme, insha-Allah.

Update (Sunday, 11/11/1437 H - 14/08/2016 15:01): The new article on survival tips during Outward Bound was published. Click here

Written on:
Thursday 08 Dhul Qa'dah 1437 to Saturday, 10 Dhul Qa’dah 1437 
Parts written in ETS coach en route from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Mertajam & in Kulim, Kedah

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Travelogue of Camps: Biro Tatanegara & Muslim Overseas Camp

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
The past 9 days was full of new adventures and experiences as I travelled all the way to Selangor to reunite with my friends from college during two programmes; the Biro Tatanegara Camp and Muslim Overseas Camp which were held in Institut Kemahiran IM4U, Meru, Klang, and Universiti Selangor, Bestari Jaya respectively.

12 Shawwal 1437 (17/07/2016)
Boarding ETS train is not something new to me as I’ve been using it since the first year it was introduced (2010) when I used to commute from my previous school in Putrajaya to my grandparents’ house in Ipoh. In 2015, there’s a good news for people in Northern Region as the ETS route has been extended from Padang Besar, Perlis, to Gemas, Negeri Sembilan.
This time, it poses a new challenge. My departure time was at 1610 hrs and arrival at 2010 hrs (actual times). This means the Asr prayer time will start and finish while I’m still in the train. As I’m departing from the hometown, the only choice left is to perform the prayers inside the train. But how?
It says in the verdict of the Permanent Committee of Fatwas of Saudi Arabia:

“If the time for Salah is due and the plane is still flying, and a passenger fears that the time for Salah may end before landing at an airport, the scholars unanimously agree that it is obligatory upon a person to perform Salah on the plane completing Ruku` (bowing), Sujud (prostration), and facing the Qiblah according to their ability.” (Source: Fatawa al-Lajnah al-Da'imah, Group 1, 8/119-120)

So it is imperative for a person to perform it based on their ability i.e. standing, if not possible then on the seat, and facing Qiblah if possible.

Praise be to Allah, the ETS train has a decent prayer place (Musallaa) where a maximum of 2 people can perform salaah inside the train, so I prayed Asr there and met a brother from Penang so we prayed in congregation, apparently.

Other facilities inside the train include toilets and cafeteria, and anyway I arrived at Putrajaya by using ERL, then I went to Shah Alam to take a good rest before the beginning of the exhilarating camp to fulfil the requirement of the sponsoring body (Permodalan Nasional Berhad) before flying to UK, insha-Allah (God willing).

ETS Train seat
Tasik Bukit Merah, Perak from the train

13-17 Shawwal 1437 (18-22/07/2016)
My friends and I gathered at Menara PNB in Kuala Lumpur for a short briefing concerning visa procedures and pre-departure programmes before departure to Institut Kemahiran IM4U in Meru, Klang. Our faces were full of joy as we met each other after a month we left college and we shared our stories.
Putrajaya Sentral in the morning

Pintu masuk Institut Kepimpinan IM4U

As we arrived at the site, there were 126 students from our college and other colleges as well. This include students sponsored by Public Service Department (JPA Top 50), Yayasan Terengganu (Indonesia-bound), Yayasan Pahang (Jordan-bound), JPA-Mara (Cempaka International School) and a few students who returned after their first year overseas to attend the programme.

A briefing was given later in the evening to introduce the instructors of the programme, which is named as Program Transformasi Mahasiswa ke Luar Negara (Overseas Universities Students’ Transformation Programme). They were Pak Mat (Ketua Jurulatih - Chief Instructor), Pak Azis, Pak Jaafar, Pak Hamidi, Madam Ummi and Mr Zuhdi (Ketua Fasilitator - Chief Facilitator). Surprisingly, when I mentioned my maternal grandfather’s name, all of the men mentioned above know him as the latter also played an active role in Biro Tatanegara (BTN) programmes and camps. He was also a commando back in 1970’s.

Four speakers, including Mr Zuhdi himself, were invited to give talks, known as “Wacana Minda” to the participants. The speakers played a really good role in conveying the government’s message to the students as they will be the ambassadors of Malaysia overseas and then the future leaders of Malaysia once they return to the country insha-Allah. Some of the participants were elected to the committee. Our Penghulu (Leader) was Mr. Aiman Uzahir. Other posts include Timbalan Penghulu (Deputy Leader), Penghulunita (Female Leader), AJK Makanan (Food Exco), AJK Kerohanian (Religious Exco), AJK Dewan (Events Exco).

The activities did not stop there. We were divided into 12 groups, 6 groups of 10 + 6 groups of 11. Five students from KYUEM (I, Nazmil, Sarah Zulkifli, Aisyah, Eva), 2 from Cempaka (Ikhwal, Taqi), 3 from Yayasan Terengganu (Solehah, Raz, Iffah) and 1 from Yayasan Pahang (Shazwan) were in my group and our facilitator was Mr. Fuad, a Johorean living in Damansara.

We learned a lot throughout the 5 days stay there, including the Malaysian Constitution, the 1Malaysia concept, the Government Transformation Programme as well as our long and rich history. There was also a performance night on Thursday night. Towards the end of the camp, there was an examination to test our competency in the topics discussed during the programme.

We left Institut Kemahiran IM4U with memories that may last longer than pictures (except, as Hani Irfan said to me once, when you have Alzheimer’s).

17-20 Shawwal 1437 (22-26/07/2016)

The facilitators from KYUEM students from batches 14, 15 and 16 were very supportive and has shown their willingness to share their experiences abroad as the challenges out there are way more difficult and hence, it is imperative upon us to remain steadfast in practising Islam and to
“bite it (i.e. the Sunnah) with the molar teeth”

Speakers were invited to give their talk and we were divided into groups for programme activities such as Thought of the Day, Latihan Dalam Kumpulan and Celik 1-3.From Meru, some of us departed to Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) in Bestari Jaya. The Muslim Overseas Camp (MOC) 2016 was an initiative by the college to equip Muslim students for the undergraduate life overseas.

Apart from that, participants were given chance to talk on what they get from the programme, during the Apa Saya Dapat (ASDA) – “What did I get?” sessions. As the first person to speak, I stressed on the importance of knowledge before speech and action, just as the great Imam, Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukharee wrote as the introduction to a chapter in the compilation his Saheeh:
(باب العلم قبل القول والعمل)
(Chapter: It is essential to know a thing first before saying or acting upon it. – Translated by Muhsin Khan)

The only drawback of this particular event is that the accommodation is quite far from the seminar hall (8-10 minutes’ walk), however we benefited a lot from our seniors who shared their experiences in universities, especially on the fiqh of the traveller and interacting with non-Muslims.

The programme ended on 25/7 and we returned to our homes, seeking Allah’s help to protect us throughout our journey as He is the best to guard us.

Masjid Umar bin Abdul Aziz, UNISEL, Bestari Jaya

Till the next post, insha-Allah.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

22 Shawwal 1437 (27/07/2016) | 0004 hrs